Client: Al Khaliji Bank
Advertising Agency: Frame Communications
Concept & Art Direction: Yousef Abdelnabi
Copywriter: Kyle Cockeran
This was another exciting campaign we worked on—our client, Al Khaliji Bank approached us
with the request to design an ad concept that would (1) set them apart in terms of advertising
creativity from their competitors and (2) remind their customers that their money is in safe hands.
with the request to design an ad concept that would (1) set them apart in terms of advertising
creativity from their competitors and (2) remind their customers that their money is in safe hands.
We brainstormed this one and reached many alternative advertising solutions to communicate Al
Khaliji Bank was the best choice for both privacy and security – nothing quite did the trick as
simply as Morse Code!
Over the course of modern history, Morse Code has been used as the ideal medium of private
communication between two partners – be they fellow seamen, soldiers, forest rangers, allies,
etc. – and it was this trusted method of parlance we chose to play with for our popularly received
advertising campaign for Al Khaliji Bank!