Celebrating 25 years of Al Jazeera, Our digital department got charged with creating two promos that would indicate what we want to tell on such occasion. I worked with the executive team on the concept and execution for each promo as follow...
Creative Director: Yousef Abdel Nabi, Mohammed Darwich
Executive Producer: Soraya Fatima, Juan Carlos Van Meek
Production: Aspire Media (Istanbul)
Challenges Promo:
The first promo was about showing show the journey of Al JAzeera network since its launch back in the 90s when there was a lack of news coverage in the MENA region, followed by portraying the expansion to the western world and the numerous attempts to take down the network during this expansion.
And though the attempts never stopped, Al Jazeera kept on pushing to be in the middle of the action to prove that the power of media is greater than the power of weapons. And after all these years, this biennial is about “A unique path” filled with accomplishment and triumphant encounters.

The second promo is about showcasing the major breakthroughs for the digital department in which we succeeded in carrying our stories with our true voice.
We grew from a few news correspondents to dozens of journalists of different nationalities, running a full 24/7 news and current affairs operation across 70 studios reaching 130 million homes in over 100 countries.
We have succeeded in uplifting the causes of our time and engaging audiences worldwide through every available platform. We learned how to persevere and be unique throughout different earth-shattering events, continuing with the resilience that led from one success to another.